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TAM is seeking new members for our Government Affairs Committee, chaired by President Jeff Barnett of Charles County. Interested TAM members should complete the form linked here and return it to John Duklewski at [email protected].


All TAM members are welcome to join. We encourage both transit agencies, human service agencies, and private sector representatives to participate. We are especially looking for members possessing:

  • Experience or interest in legislation, advocacy, or regulations, which may include:
    • Reading and analyzing impact of legislation;
    • Drafting support or opposition letters
    • Testifying in front of General Assembly Committees
    • Advocating in meetings with legislators.
  • Existing relationships with Legislative (General Assembly) or Executive Branch decision makers


  • Develop strategies which attempt to effect the legislative process and regulatory entities;
  • Assist in monitoring legislation
  • Promote the strengthening of community transportation in Maryland;
  • Present legislative priorities and agenda in writing to the TAM Board of Directors for approval.


  • Select priority and supported issues each year;
  • Maintain and expand list of statewide legislative contacts to provide means for promoting the Committee’s agenda with elected officials;
  • Be knowledgeable about and respond in concert with TAM, when appropriate, to state governmental issues


  • Develop strategies and material to influence legislators
  • Insure that all important information about legislation, state budgets, plans and policy changes of the administration, MDOT/MTA and other state agencies is discussed, evaluated and shared with the TAM Board of Directors as well as the wider TAM membership
  • Plan and participate in the Annual Legislative Reception